
Aventurine is another stone renowned for its soothing colors.  This mineral mostly comes in varying shades of green, but it can also come in peach, cream, grey, yellow, blue and pink.  A member of the Quartz family, its distinguishing feature is tiny metallic-like inclusions of Mica (or Muscovite) that shimmer when the stone is under light.  This sparkly effect is actually called "aventurescence". 

Fun fact, the addition of Fuchsite creates green Aventurine, while the addition of Lepidolite creates pink Aventurine.  This semi precious stone makes beautiful beads and is often mined in India and Brazil.  Dry Gulch carries many beautiful cuts, colors and shapes of this classic stone; use Aventurine to enhance your next jewelry design or craft project!

♦ Aventurine is commonly associated with the Zodiacs of Leo and Aries.
♦ Green Aventurine is a popular stone with yogis as it is believed to calm and heal the heart Chakra.